Working in retail and customer service for as long as I have, the opportunity to be a sarcastic jerk comes up WAY too frequently.
That used to be a great and beautiful thing. I used to be able to launch little sarcastic blurbs to just about anyone who decided to come up to me with a stupid question that they already knew they answer to. The BEST, and probably my FAVORITE example of this is when I get the age-old question, "Do you work here?"
That question, and that question alone simply runs a sarcastic little electric chill up from my spine to my brain. That one single chill triggers something amazing. I simply grab ahold of my name badge and uniform shirt, crack the creepiest smile and say, "now...WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU THINK THAT?"
The painfully embarrassed, and shy look I get afterwards is just PRICELESS. Typically we just laugh it off and continued with conversation. I can't do this anymore though. The chill stops halfway up my spine and I remain submissive.
Now if I simply mutter a sarcastic "nooooo" under my breath, I get the infamous, "LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER ABOUT YOUR ATTITUDE."
There is just no way around it now.
Don't work retail kids.
(At least not if you're incredibly sarcastic...)
Melanie--Glad you got entries up for this GP. You have interesting topics and ideas, and you have some interesting discussion starting, but you need to slow down and develop more. You feel a bit rushed, and you leave your reader wanting more (not in the good way). Keep analyzing. Don't forget about visual appeal as well.