Sunday, April 24, 2016

Blog Entry Number 7: DUMB MEN

What is a hashtag, you ask?
Some people you ask could tell you they're annoying, unnecessary tags for obnoxious "Interneters". (I declare that a word.)

Others will tell you they're a useful tool that helps Interneters (there's that nifty word again) easily find certain search topics.

I feel like if you ask me, I know about as much as anyone else would. Maybe a little more?

I know they are used to sort through topics and gather things of similar content in one fustercluck of data. You basically just put a pound symbol, as such, # before any subject or term you want to categorize to facilitate people finding it.
Like say for instance, you're at a festival. Let's use Coachella, and you want other people who were there to know that you were there, so you tag Coachella.
That would look like this. #Coachella
Now let's say you want people to know you were there last year.
That hashtag is considered to be a"throwback." and it would include the year. So it would look like this, #Coachella2015.

A lot of hashtags are made as acronyms and are specialized for certain days of the week.
Monday has #MCM for Man Crush Monday. It usually consists of people tagging their current romantic partner as a loving gesture.
Tuesday has #TittyTuesday and I'm pretty sure you can guess what that consists of so let's NOT go into detail about that. That's also mostly used on Twitter, but whatever.
Wednesday has #WCW which is Woman Crush Wednesday and it's basically the female equivalent for #MCM
Thursday is #TBT which is Throwback Thursday. This hashtag lets people go back in time and post memories of things they went through.
And finally, we have Friday with #FBF which is Flash Back Friday. Why do we need two days to reminisce? I don't know. But it's there in case someone was off the grid Thursday for some reason.

When considering cultural significance, I think that aside from it being sometimes obnoxious and abused, like for example the #people #that #put #a #f*cking #hashtag #before #every #f*cking #word, it's quite a nifty way to communicate and come together over similar topics of interest. The person sitting next to me might not be interested in, let's say, CHINESE CHECKERS, but someone across the world could be when I search #ChineseCheckers. Ya know?

BUT HEY, I still say "to each their own."
If you don't like them, don't use them. (but don't bitch at people who do)
And if ya like them, go for it. (#but #dont #abuse #them)


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