Sunday, May 8, 2016

Blog Entry Number 11: Final Blog Reflection

So this is it. This is the last blog post. Well, maybe it's the last one. I quite enjoyed the experience to be honest. The fact that I was able to talk about some quirks about myself, aside from my intellectually deeper discusses with my readers was refreshing and actually kind of revitalizing.

After experiencing it myself for the first time, I feel there are many benefits that can arise from blogging. One benefit I got from blogging was the fact that I established a trusting relationship where I could talk about myself and the things that ran through my mind with someone who I didn't even know. I was able to open up not only to my readers, but to myself as well. Another benefit I found was that I was able to practice different styles of writing, whether formal or informal. I was able to chose who I wanted my audience to be, and I wrote exactly what I would've wanted to read. I did however, come across the challenge of whether or not I should introduce profanity in my informal writing.

Would people get offended?
Would I sound less intelligent?
These are questions I came across when the time came to introduce the F bomb, or anything else of similar profane nature.

While writing, I learned how to be more cautious of what I write, how I write it, and how I come across. This became what stuck with me the most because of the fact that these blogs are public, as opposed to writing something I would eventually turn in to a professor. I became more aware of my audience. Whether or not my post got 6 views, or 60 views, I was still keenly aware that ANYONE could read it and get their own idea of the type of writer I am.

Being a student made it more of a responsibility to post an entry because I knew I HAD to. I know that if I was merely blogging more my own enjoyment, I wouldn't post as often, or thought out as I have been the entire semester. I grew a fonder love for the internet after being more exposed to other life stories via blogger. That being said, blogging for a class made me realize that there really IS more to people than meets the eye. I mean, for all we know the quietest student in class might have the mouth of a sailor. I believe this assignment was an outstanding one for English 102. You not only learn about your own writing skills, you learn about others as well! You get a glimpse into the thought process of the person that sits a couple rows in front of you in class and it's a refreshing thing to see.

I definitely enjoyed the blogging experience. I may even continue blogging on this page for a couple months until I establish a more personal one.

Till we meet again, fellow classmates!
-Melanie Morales